Osteopathy at Eastleigh Osteopathic Clinic
Osteopathic treatment has helped many people that have suffered with many varied problems since its discovery in 1874. When a frontier Doctor in America, who was dissatisfied with the medicine of the day realised that our bodies contain self-healing properties. Osteopathy is a science which understands that the integration and correlation of various parts of our body have with one another, directly or indirectly, determines the state of health in that body.

All body tissues, for health, are dependent upon arterial blood supply to, venous and lymphatic drainage from and axonal transport (flow of proteins and various other substances through nerve fibres) for their health. Osteopathy sees disease as an adaptive process of normal physiology which occurs when tissues are deprived of any of these fundamental processes because of poor structural integrity, organisation and movement of fluids such as lymph.
The aim of classical osteopathy is to assist our bodily structure achieve an improved relationship with gravitational forces. The process during treatment is to establish an improvement in relationship and organisation between parts by adjusting the structure using gentle rhythmic movements through the four limbs and spine and careful adjustments are used where and if necessary. If indicated the face and cranium are also treated to help our bodies innate sense to organise the healing process. In this way classical osteopathy can be used to help people recover from all manner of symptoms that will often defy medical diagnosis as well as helping back pain and all the ailments that are commonly ascribed to osteopathic treatment.
A commonly asked when is "what is the difference between osteopathy and chiropractic" or "osteopaths and chiropractors" the answer is that it depends, modern osteopathic and chiropractic education is similar in a lot of ways. Classical osteopathy is different to both of these and it tends to focus on the whole of the individual rather than just musculoskeletal care. It does not restrict itself to relief of musculoskeletal symptoms, but focus’s on structural integrity, stability and physiological function. Because of this it is often helpful for long term chronic health problems that defy an orthodox diagnosis. It is gentle and relaxing and treats the person as an individual and the whole body is treated and every treatment is different. Most people enjoy it and feel much better. Classical and cranial osteopathy both require extensive post graduate education.
Cranial Osteopathy
Cranial Osteopathy is a refined and subtle type of treatment that encourages the release of stresses and tensions throughout the body, including the head. It is a gentle yet extremely effective approach and may be used in a wide range of conditions for people of all ages, from birth onwards.
Cranial Osteopaths are trained to feel a very subtle, rhythmical shape change that is present in all body tissues. This is called involuntary motion.
The skull is made up of 26 bones which are intricately joined in such a way that during the rhythmical cycle of involuntary motion, the skull can actually change shape very slightly to accommodate the normal involuntary motion of the brain inside.
Impacts to the head can block or disrupt this movement. This can cause a very wide variety of problems both in the head and everywhere in the body. Headaches and sinus pain are very common problems that occurs and can be treated.

Using involuntary motion in the tissues, osteopaths can feel whether a person is in an optimum state of health, or whether there is something preventing healthy movement of the tissues from occurring.
Cranial osteopathy can be helpful in reducing the symptoms of:
For pregnancy
Why is Cranial Osteopathy different?
In their training, Osteopaths are taught a variety of treatment methods and techniques, ranging from the well known 'high velocity thrust' with it's dramatic clicks, to the very gently applied methods used by 'cranial osteopaths.'
Osteopaths vary their treatment methods depending on their own preference and individual patients' problems. 'Cranial Osteopath' is the name by which osteopaths who work at the more gentle, subtle end of the spectrum of different treatment approaches, have become known.
Osteopaths may have different specialists including sports injuries, paediatrics, visceral (treating the internal organs of the body). Cranial Osteopathy embraces all of these.
At Eastleigh osteopathic Clinic we have many years experience and are very happy to discuss any problems that you or your family may have. Please call to make an appointment or to arrange a call-back if you are unsure that we can help and would like to speak to an osteopath.